The Karma of Alcohol and Weed: Spiritual Consequences of Abusing Drugs
No one on this planet should understand more clearly than drug users, weed smokers, and alcoholics the consequences of our actions.
People say these substances aren’t addictive, but more than 70% of people struggling with alcoholism will relapse at some point.
85% of weed smokers want to quit smoking weed, but 65% of them report using marijuana again to reduce withdrawal symptoms.
The National Library of Medicine also indicates only 8% of those trying to quit cannabis succeed in the first 6 months.
The loss of cognitive abilities is not fully restored in those who quit smoking marijuana or alcohol as adults.
In the other 2 studies done by Forbes and the Canadian Government, the risk of addiction is up to 50% if someone smokes cannabis daily.
What is easy to get in but hard to get out?
It’s weed, drugs, and alcohol!
They are the reasons for your falls, domestic abuse, rape, violence, motor vehicle crashes, infertility, impaired brain function, memory loss, unawareness, cancer diseases, sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation, etc.
You will reach a point when you drink/smoke but aren’t happy. You will come to realize you are not you when you are intoxicated. In that state of mind, you have different feelings, different thoughts, and different emotions, which are not yours.
At the end of this article, I will show you an effective way that can 100% cure addiction.
Karmic Consequences of Abusing Drugs, Alcohol, and Marijuana

1. Spirit Possession
When you smoke weed, take drugs, or drink alcohol, you invite other evil spirits to take control of your body.
This is why the term “demon drink” refers to “alcoholic drink”. When someone is “a slave to the demon drink”, he is unable to resist drinking alcohol.
Scientific American indicates the word “alcohol” comes from “al-ghawl”, which means “spirit”. When you drink alcohol, you acquire a spirit. It’s referenced in the Qur’an 37:47, mentioning “al-ghawl” as a “demon or spirit that produces intoxication”.
According to Wiki, the word “marihuana” or “mariguana” can be traced back to the Nahuatl word “mallihuan”, meaning “prisoner”.
You read that right: When you drink alcohol or smoke marijuana, you become another spirit’s “prisoner”, because your body is under their control.
These demonic spirits have their own intelligence, and they literally occupy a certain part of your body, causing health problems in that area. Sometimes, you can do all kinds of medical examinations but your doctor may conclude there is no cure, because the real problem is rooted in the spiritual world.
When you get drunk or stoned, your higher, ethical, and conscious self will leave the body, and the other evil spirits will take this opportunity to own “your vehicle”. They will drive you insane, which is usually in a hedonistic, illogical, and self-centered way.
This is why your body doesn’t treat alcohol as nutrients to absorb, but as toxins to eliminate. This fact is proven by science.
2. There is No Turning Back – Losing Your Soul Essence
When other low-level spirits have successfully occupied a certain part of your body, they will do evil things to influence your thoughts/emotions, cause mishaps, and create all kinds of damage so you always have to come back to alcohol/marijuana.
If you resist, they may even make you use these substances in your dreams.
You believe your thoughts are yours, but they are not. When you hear someone “convinces” you in your head, it’s they convincing you!
Sometimes, these demons may even use fantasy, music, or the voices of your friends and loved ones to trap you.
They will make you believe “This is my last time!” They will persuade you of the benefits of marijuana/alcohol by showing you some scientific articles. They want to make you be in the same self-deception again to feel happy!
The law of the universe indicates “everything comes with a cost”. The “high” you get from drugs and alcohol is not for free. It is an exchange for your virtues (earned by good deeds) and the essence of your soul.
When you run out of virtues, you can’t even get happy when you smoke/drink, because you’ve run out of blessings/merits. Then these spirits will take the limited essence of your soul. You will lose consciousness as a result, becoming dull, unfocused, forgetful, and unaware. At worst, when these spirits leave your body after gaining much of your essence, you will become vegetable!

Have you recently heard singers or musicians saying they “sell their soul to the devil”? You can bet they smoke a lot of weed and drink a lot of alcohol!
For example, in the music video “Side to Side – Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj“, Ariana sings “Cause tonight I’m making deals with the devil. And I know it’s gonna get me in trouble.”
These people are possessed by demons that manipulate their souls. You may think the kind of fame and wealth they have are good, but in reality, they are full of sexual content, unethical conduct, and lust! How come these are good? These women are the “sacred whore” in the left-hand path Tantric tradition.
3. Marijuana, Alcohol, and Sex
When you smoke weed or drink alcohol, it’s natural that you want to have sex afterward. Plato once said: “There is truth in wine and children”.
Being intoxicated, you’re prone to having unlawful sex (including adultery and premarital sex), masturbating with pornography, and lacking boundaries in personal conduct.
Hence, you will have to pay for what you do. If you don’t want to pay, you will be forced to pay by the laws of the universe.
The karmic debts can manifest as sexual dysfunction, infertility, or an unhappy sex life, which we’ve talked about in the introduction. You may also face serious challenges in your marriage/relationships.
What happens if you smoke weed/drink alcohol and have sex with your spouse?
Then you and your spouse can’t be together. Even if you want to be together, there will be a lot of struggles internally and externally. These hardships are the “price” for your “high”. You will gain this wisdom through your own life experiences, so don’t make the same mistakes while hoping for a different result.
4. Who is There to Blame?
You might be saying: “I’m not totally in control of my actions, so the demonic spirits should be the ones who are responsible for the actions!”
See, when you decide to smoke or drink, you have already permitted other spirits to influence you. Therefore, the consequences of the actions should be yours.
How To Completely Quit Addiction (100% Work!)
Because the spiritual consequences of marijuana/alcohol are rooted in the spiritual world, you must take up an authentic spiritual practice to remove the negative spirits in other dimensions.
There is only one person who can teach people to advance to a high level of spiritual cultivation, who is Master Li Hong Zhi. He is the founder of Falun Dafa – an ancient authentic Buddhist School that helps people return to where they truly come from.
You don’t have to pay anything. You should read my article about Dafa – Your Way To Go Back “Home”.