Face Reading

The Complete Guide to the Earlobes in Chinese Face Reading

In Chinese face reading, the earlobes are a sign of wisdom. As a part of the ears, earlobes correspond to the water element, which is related to longevity, wealth, and the ability to hold on to investments.

Buddha’s ears are very long, large, and thick because they all indicate everlasting wisdom and eternal life.

Many prominent investors of the world usually have large earlobes. These are an indication of financial security in old age.

This is the reason why you see the old Chinese people often pull their grandchildren’s earlobes. They all want their grandchildren to be wiser and enjoy a good life.

In this post, I will reveal the meanings of your earlobes based on the art of Chinese face reading.

1. Long Earlobes

Long earlobes are a sign of long life. People with long earlobes are blessed with wisdom and great wealth potential.

If the long lobes are also thick and dangling, money will come easily. People with this type of lobes are very talented/lucky at making money. But they can be extravagant.

Sometimes, their source of money comes suddenly, such as through winning the lottery or inheritance. This is a good sign if the person knows how to manage money and a bad sign if they don’t know how to spend it wisely.

It’s important to know that long, thick, and dangling earlobes only indicate an abundance of money, not the ability to handle a large amount of money. Therefore, this opportunity can lead to financial disaster if the money is in the hands of a gambler or money-waster.

2. Big, Large, and Fleshy Earlobes

Big, large, and fleshy earlobes belong to people who have exceptional planning skills. They plan for their future far ahead to make sure they can attain security in old age. People with large earlobes are wise and can grow things, especially investments.

These people are blessed with patience because they can delay gratification for a future payoff. Even with a secure old age, they usually work until they die. These people are independent, sensual, and have strong earth energy.

If you have large and fleshy earlobes, you should learn about long-term investments, such as real estate and stocks.

3. Small and Short Earlobes

People with small and short earlobes are present-oriented rather than future-oriented. They are interested in instant gratification and usually do not plan far ahead. Therefore, these people are prone to emotional upheaval and impatience.

Small and short earlobes can also indicate money problems because they likely do not save much for the future. Even if they do, they usually have to catch up to retirement plans. These people are prone to being jealous or even greedy when they do not have enough money.

If the earlobes are also soft, we have someone who has a refined mind, but insufficient vitality. People with small, short, and soft earlobes prefer to live in fantasy instead of living in reality. Yet, they can be great lovers due to their romantic nature.

4. Attached Earlobes

Attached earlobes mean attachment to family in Chinese face reading. People who have attached earlobes can either love or hate their parents so much. In either case, it means a strong attachment to the birth family.

Therefore, people with this kind of lobes don’t usually like to move away from their family physically. They like to be around their parents and tend to be dutiful, loyal, and dedicated.

If the earlobes are detached, the person may feel indifferent to their family members. They are likely to live far away from their parents.

The best kind of earlobes may be the one that is partially attached. This kind of earlobes indicates a healthy relationship with family members while it also denotes an ability to pave their own path.

5. Moles on Earlobes

If there is a mole on earlobes, it signifies a good reputation and character.

As the earlobes represent the relationship with one’s family, a mole on the right earlobe enhances the person’s commitment to his family.

If the moles are on both earlobes, then the person is blessed with high intelligence and longevity.


  1. Face Reading in Chinese Medicine – Lillian Bridges (My top 1 recommendation!)
  2. The Art and Science of Face Reading: Face Morphology in the Western Spiritual Tradition – Jennifer Lamonica
  3. Face Reading: Keys to Instant Character Analysis – Chi Kuei
  4. Read the Face: Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health – Eric Standop and Elisa Petrini
  5. The Face Reader: Discover Anyone’s Personality, Compatibility, Talents, and Challenges Through Face Reading – Patrician McCarthy
  6. Face Reading Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – Jonathan Dee

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