Face Reading

The Complete Guide to the Lips in Chinese Face Reading

In Chinese face reading, the meaning of the lips is similar to the mouth. By looking at a person’s lips, we can tell about their sensuality, earthy pleasures, and emotional nature.

Generally, fuller lips belong to people who are emotionally expressive. They are very romantic and sensual. If a woman has thick, full, and large lips, she can be a wonderful playmate who has a strong desire for sexual pleasure.

This is why many women use lipsticks to thicken their lips, which enhances their sexuality.

In contrast, the best-looking men usually have thin lips because they signify self-restraint and emotional discipline.

In this post, I will show you the meanings of your lips based on Chinese face reading.

1. Thickness

Full Lips

As I stated in the introduction, full lips are a sign of strong sensual desire, emotional expression, and romance. People with full lips can easily express themselves in public. If their mouth is wide, they can even give things freely to strangers who they barely know.

These people are great conversation starters. They find it easy to relax. They love to have fun and indulge themselves in pleasures. Yet, they are prone to become lazy and can easily lose motivation.

Full lips are considered a yin sign in Chinese face reading. It has a strong earthy energy. Many women want to make their lips thicker and fuller so they can appear sexy and attractive.

However, big and full lips don’t always mean the lady has a strong sex drive. She could sensually express her desire by eating good food, listening to great music, or bathing in rosy water.

Thin Lips

In Chinese face reading, thin lips are a sign of someone who is emotionally repressive. People with thin lips don’t express their emotions easily and tend to hold their feelings inside.

When men have thin lips, they appear strong because of their ability to control themselves. Usually, thin lips are found in someone who is conscious of his giving. These people can be generous, but they tend to selectively and conditionally give things to others.

They may appear aloof due to the ability to suppress emotions. However, people with thin lips are very logical and can use their heads to rule their hearts.

Interestingly, these people have a hidden drive for sexual pleasure. This can be because of their inability to express themselves emotionally, so sex is one way they choose to cope with this problem.

Upper Lips Thicker Than Lower Lips

If the upper lip is thicker than the lower lip, we have someone who has a burning desire for emotional experience. These people are prone to exaggeration and emotional drama.

They can be very fun when they are happy while they can be very exhausting when their mood is changed.

People with upper lips larger than lower lips also have a strong desire for food.

They are romantic poets, yet are not quite lucky in finding their perfect love.

Lower Lips Thicker Than Top Lips

People with lower lips thicker than top lips have a burning desire for physical pleasure. They need to be surrounded by good smells, eat good food, and sit in comfortable chairs. These people do not handle discomfort very well.

The thicker the lower lip compared to the top lip, the more comfort a person demands. If the lower lip is very big and puffy, we have a hedonist. This can be a sign of extreme self-indulgence.

2. Characteristics

Protruding Top Lip

When we see someone has a protruding top lip, this person may have trouble with insecurity. People with protruding top lips often have a difficult childhood. They haven’t learned to stand up for themselves as they were taught to put others first in early life.

These people may also have problems with intimacy. They may not be willing to share with others about who they truly are. Yet, they don’t want to confront or be aggressive to others.

People with protruding top lips often appear timid. These people have a pessimistic tendency. They are likely to suffer from allergic diseases caused by their psyche rather than from organic causes.

For them, love is a taboo subject, even though they enjoy it.

Protruding Lower Lip

In Chinese face reading, protruding lower lips indicate a reserved personality. They can be assertive in a rude way and may climb to the top at the expense of others. Women with protruding lower lips often love filling their homes with possessions and stuff.

Even though these people are not romantic, they are adventurous in exploring their sexuality. In fact, many people with this kind of lips tend to go to swinger parties. They must be aware of the spiritual consequences of having sex before marriage!

One of the positive traits related to protruding lower lips is cleverness in business. These people are great businessmen, yet they often value financial rewards more important than reputation.

Pursed Lips

Pursed lips are lips that are tightly closed when the mouth is relaxed. People with pursed lips are very conscious about the way they give money. That is, they need a good reason to prove that the other person is worthy before they send their gifts.

If the lips are held tightly, this is a sign of great self-control. These people might have been repressed emotionally in childhood, so they learn to pay close attention to what they say. There is a blockage of true inner expression in these people.

People with pursed lips have an excellent ability to control themselves and their emotions. When the lips are pitched, then the owner can be a stingy person, both financially and emotionally.

Pouting Lips

Pouting lips belong to people who want to hide their vanity and arrogance. They have a great desire to prove themselves and how wonderful they are in front of others.

According to Chinese face reading, people with pouting lips have open minds. They rarely feel bored in learning new things, but we should not expect much intellectualism from them. Rather, these people have great talents for arts and acting.

In a relationship, people with pouting lips may not like to show their feelings. They feel the need to be patient in love.

Straight Lips

People with straight lips are considered powerful in Chinese face reading. They have a thirst for knowledge and intelligence. These people have a strong sense of self – they are unshakable fighters who will never give up until they reach their goals.

Therefore, you will usually see people with straight lips in leadership positions. They even don’t mind deceiving others if it looks like they will gain some advantages when doing so.

These people are ruled by their heads instead of their hearts. Therefore, straight lips can indicate a person who doesn’t have much interest in sex. They understand the value of true relationships rather than mere eroticism.

3. Colors

The lip’s colors represent health, stamina, and vigor. The table below shows the general meanings attached to the color of the lips:

Lip’s colorMeanings
RosyNoble quality, good health.
PaleBad luck in marriage, unhealthy lungs and spleen.
Dull RedUnfortunate in marriage and children.
DarkMaterialistic tendency, weak heart.
Very PinkLack of vital energy – Qi.
PurpleSerious health problems related to the heart, unhealthy relationships
Meaning of the lip’s color

4. Moles on Lips

Moles on the lips hold very similar meanings with moles appearing on the mouth.

If there is a mole on the lips themselves, this can indicate problems related to the digestive systems, especially the stomach and intestines. This mole also shows someone who doesn’t think twice before speaking and is likely to suffer from allergic diseases.

When you see a mole on the upper lip, this is a good sign as it shows someone with a good personality. Yet, the individual may not be sexually attractive.

A mole on the lower lip reveals a strong desire to eat good food. The owner of this mole can be talented in acting and theater.

If the mole appears around the lips, this can be a sign of trouble relating to others due to stubbornness. People with this mole like to win arguments and can be aggressive. This mole can also signify a sudden loss of money.

Next: Chin Face Reading


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