Face Reading

Diamond Face Personality in Face Reading

Diamond faces are seen mostly in women. You will see that many beautiful women will have this kind of facial shape.

One example is Taylor Swift. She is one of the most famous singers and songwriters nowadays.

Another beautiful woman who has a diamond face is Kim Kardashian. As you can see, women who possess this kind of face shape tend to be elegant and gorgeous.

Anna Kendrick is also a great example. If you pay close attention, Anna has a smaller jaw and forehead compared to her cheekbones, which makes her an ideal for this kind of facial shape.

Do you know that having a diamond face shape means you are confident, charming, and unpredictable?

In Chinese face reading, diamond-faced people are called autocrats and prima donnas. There is always a strong authority behind the beauty of people with diamond faces.

1. Diamond Face Characteristics

If your face has the following characteristics, there is a high chance that you have a diamond face:

  • Prominent cheekbones wider than forehead and jaws
  • Pointed facial features
  • Narrowed forehead and chin
  • Pointed or oval chin
  • Look like heart-shaped face
  • Thin or medium mouth

People with diamond faces have similar facial features to people with round faces. The difference is in the cheekbones, which are usually sharp and pointed in diamond faces.

If a diamond-shaped face has weak cheekbones, the person may look like they have an oval face.

2. Personality Traits

The key personality traits of people with diamond faces are:

  • Charismatic
  • High-strung
  • Perfectionistic

Positive Traits

In Chinese face reading, the diamond face shape is more common in women than in men. People with diamond faces are very charming by nature and usually possess excellent beauty.

These people tend to be indecisive and unstable. They can feel what others are feeling but lack empathy. Thus, they score very high on the scale of emotional intelligence but can be low on compassion.

Diamond-faced people are very detail-oriented. Everything has to be perfect and absolutely perfect! They want to take control over things and demand things to be done in a certain way.

People with diamond-shaped faces can communicate with others very well. Due to their skillful manners, they usually have a lot of friends in their lives. These people seek peace and harmony and don’t like to fight.

However, there is always a hidden authoritative power behind diamond-faced people. It is also said that these people are usually trustworthy, reliable, and sociable.

People with diamond faces are essentially curious about things and want to explore the world. Their mind is sharp and their words are precise. They hold very high standards for themselves and others.

Even though they pretend that they are independent, they actually need help and appreciate it. These people are happiest when they are surrounded by positive people and a happy environment. Their vibes are very important because they tend to be moody.

Negative Traits

As diamond-faced people are perfectionists, they have a tendency to criticize themselves over small things. These mistakes are usually not worthy to point out because they are very small. Yet, self-criticism is still one of their main problems.

Because these people are moody, they tend to be unsteady and unpredictable. Their feelings have a strong impact on them, and their emotions can distract them from their goals.

In a relationship, they need someone who really understands them. Although they don’t want to hurt others, sometimes they can be very sharp-tongue. That is, their excellent ability to use words can be used as weapons to cause damage to others at times.

3. Talents

People with diamond faces tend to have the following talents:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to use words
  • Detail-orientation

See all facial shapes here: Face Shapes in Chinese Face Reading


  1. Face Reading in Chinese Medicine – Lillian Bridges (My top 1 recommendation!)
  2. The Art and Science of Face Reading: Face Morphology in the Western Spiritual Tradition – Jennifer Lamonica
  3. Face Reading: Keys to Instant Character Analysis – Chi Kuei
  4. Read the Face: Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health – Eric Standop and Elisa Petrini
  5. The Face Reader: Discover Anyone’s Personality, Compatibility, Talents, and Challenges Through Face Reading – Patrician McCarthy
  6. Face Reading Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – Jonathan Dee

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