The Complete Guide to the Mouth in Chinese Face Reading
In Chinese face reading or Mien Shiang, the mouth reveals important information about a person’s intellect, sensuality, and health.
Similar to the lips, the mouth is the center of our physical desires. As we eat our food through our mouth, the size of the mouth shows our appetite. That is, the bigger the mouth, the more desire a person has to eat food.
The mouth is also related to the way we express our emotions, sensuality, personality, and the ability to give.
When considering the meaning of the mouth, we need to combine many different traits, such as its size, shape, angle, etc.
In this post, I will guide you through the meaning of your mouth based on the art of Chinese face reading.
1. Size
Large and Full Mouth
A large and full mouth indicates someone who is generous and willing to give. This person has a lot of earth energy. People with large mouths usually buy gifts for others in both personal and work relationships. They can be so kind that they even give things to strangers.
These people have big personalities. They also have a large appetite and can overindulge in eating food.
A large and full mouth is also a sign of enhanced sexuality. If someone has this kind of mouth, they love being the center of attention and are attracted to fun activities. In fact, women with large and full mouths are very sexy and attractive.
This type of mouth usually goes together with full upper and lower lips. Generally, they like to be teased and can be excellent playmates.
Small Mouth
A small mouth means a small personality and appetite. People with small mouths don’t usually eat very much. They also don’t have much desire for pleasure.
A small mouth doesn’t mean that the person is stingy. Rather, it means they are conscious about what and whom to give. In other words, they do give things to others, but their gifts can be selective and conditional.
Small mouths also belong to people who may find it difficult to understand others’ points of view. These people tend to be self-centered and strong-willed.
If they don’t learn to control their hypersensitivity about not getting what think they deserve, their strong sense of self can become selfish tendencies.
2. Length
Wide Mouth
In Chinese face reading, a wide mouth is considered an auspicious sign. People with wide mouths are generous and tend to be happy throughout life. Men with this kind of mouth are capable of marrying a good wife who can even provide financial support to them.
People with wide mouths like to laugh a lot and can make very loud sounds when they do so. They are active and sensual people who need to be loved. The most apparent traits associated with wide mouths are optimism, liveliness, and happiness.
However, these people can be quite jealous. They may also have trouble with mood swings, which account for many short-lived love affairs.
Narrow Mouth
People with narrow mouths prefer thinking to feeling. These people have their heads ruling over their hearts, so they are more practical and logical rather than moody and emotional.
In life, you may not often see people with narrow mouths smile. These people prefer speaking one-on-one to speaking in public. Their positive traits are sincerity and truthfulness.
3. Angle
Upturned Mouth
A mouth that has its corners turned up is a lucky sign. An upturned mouth gives the impression of pleasure and happiness. If you are aware, when people are happy and smiling, their mouths turn upward.
Optimism is another trait associated with this type of mouth. People with upturned mouths love to have simple life journeys – living in comfort throughout life. They have the gifts of imagination and adaptability.
Men with upturned mouths are considered playboys in Chinese face reading. If this trait is on a woman’s face, she can be a great sexual playmate who is also romantic.
Downturned Mouth
In contrast to a mouth that has its corners turned upward, a downturned mouth is an inauspicious sign. A downturned mouth indicates someone who is pessimistic about life. These people are also prone to have problems related to their stomach and digestion.
People with downturned mouths tend to be victims of many complicated situations, especially during their adolescent years. They are usually loners who often get discouraged when facing life challenges. It doesn’t mean they can not be successful; it means they really need discipline, patience, and perseverance to achieve what they want.
Yet, people with downturned mouths are actually intelligent. They just don’t have enough drive and optimism, so they rarely find satisfaction in any area of life. If you have a friend who has this type of mouth, he is likely to be sad, depressed, and unhappy most of the time.
4. Characteristics
Crooked Mouth
A crooked mouth is definitely not a good sign in Chinese face reading. This mouth is a symbol of someone who constantly stretches the truth, so their mouths are stretched as well. People who have crooked mouths tend to be dishonest and crafty.
There is a popular saying in Chinese: “Crooked mouth – Crooked thoughts!” These people often have trouble shutting their mouths off as they are very talkative. Due to this trait, their interpersonal relationships are not very good.
People who have crooked mouths can be positive in the sense that they can put many different pieces to form a big picture. Yet, they need to exert a great effort to convince others of their honesty and sincerity.
People who have crooked mouths don’t usually have staying power in love.
If the crookedness is on the left of the mouth, then we have someone who is depress-oriented, passive, and easily gets tired. If the mouth is crooked on the right, the person is quick-witted, yet he tends to be involved in unnecessary quarrels, especially in marriage.
Opened Mouth
If your mouth is half or slightly open, you are a generous and open person. This is not a bad sign because it indicates the quality of warmth, friendliness, and energy. People with open mouths can also understand others emotionally.
However, if the mouth is open larger than usual, then we have someone who has poor living habits. This person often lacks energy with insufficient courage and insight to achieve what they want.
Tightly Closed Mouth
A tightly closed mouth in Chinese face reading indicates a person who is careful about what he speaks. This type of mouth usually belongs to someone who was not allowed to speak the truth in childhood.
It usually goes together with pursed lips, which indicates the blockage of true voice expression. People with closed mouths often find it difficult to express themselves. They are often victims of mental health problems.
5. Moles on the Mouth
Moles on the mouth have very similar meanings as moles on the lips.
When you have a mole appearing above the mouth, you may give birth to twins.
When the mole is below the mouth, this can indicate a high activity in moving from one place to another.
If the mole is on the right side of the mouth on the philtrum in a woman’s face, this can indicate she may have difficulty giving birth. She is also not flexible and adaptable enough to live in a new environment. Her life is often restricted in some ways.
If the mole is in the right area below the mouth, we have someone who lacks willpower. However, he is blessed with the ability to think deeply and make decisions quickly.
Next: Lips Face Reading
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