
The Karma of Masturbation: Spiritual Consequences of Porn and Masturbation

I’ve said music videos nowadays are made specifically for men to mastubate. There is a specific reason behind it, as I revealed in my article “Subliminal Messages in Music Videos – Hidden Secrets of Freemasonry“.

When you read this article, you will realize that your impulse for masturbation does not necessarily come from you, but from an evil entity associated with your body in another dimension. You can clearly see the faces of these evil spirits in deep meditation or when your eyes are open.

The Karmic Consequences of Masturbation and Watching Porn

There are two circumstances that can arise from your self-love exercises: either you watch pornography while masturbating or you don’t. Most of us masturbate while watching porn, and vice versa. They seem to always go together!

There is also a common problem nowadays that you use Virtual Reality (VR), drugs, alcohol, and marijuana while engaging in the act of masturbation.

So let’s unpack the karma of each situation separately.

Masturbation and Spirit Possessions

Each music or pornography video you watch contains a certain vibration, which is often made of low, lustful, and dark energy.

Every time you mastubate with a music/pornographic video, you’re actually participating in their act. Your participation has the power to invoke a certain spirit/demon right in your home environment due to the subliminal messages you received in their videos.

In fact, when you do your private self-love exercise, your guardian angels will probably leave you, and this is the ideal opportunity for other evil spirits to come and absorb your essence. They will definitely seduce you to do more sinful things.

If you pay attention to your inner self when you mastubate, a demon could go straight to your imagination and try to make love with you. But don’t be fooled that they give you pleasure and don’t take anything from you.

The law of the universe indicates everything comes at a cost. The “high” that you get is an exchange for your luck, blessings, virtues, and good deeds. Your energy is neither created nor destroyed, they are either transformed or transferred. When you run out of blessings, you must suffer as a result. There is no way around it because this is the law of the universe.

Popular among all sexual demons are Succubus and Incubus, but generally when you masturbate alone, you could invite any other low-vibrational spirits.

In my article “Spiritual Consequences of Having Sex Before Marriage“, I said that sex is a spiritual union – a balance between yin and yang. When you masturbate by yourself, who do you have sex with?

We are living human beings, so we are yang by nature. Other ghosts or low-vibration spirits are yin because they are dead – they are not living. So that’s the frequency that you may attract to yourself!

These demonic spirits will do anything to harm you because you’re not going to benefit from them. They are the reasons why masturbation can bring bad luck because they can drain your positive life forces, cause you to lose money, have unexplained health diseases, have premature ejaculation (most common), and make your relationships strained so that you always have to masturbate to relax.

These sexual demons can also disguise as beautiful women or men in your dream, cause you to have a wet dream, make you imagine sexual fantasies, drain your vital essence, take away your health, and make you face unlucky accidents and misfortunes.

They will make you see good as evil and evil as good. They will also influence you to pay lustful attention to another human being, as you can see that the “content” and “titles” of those pornographic movies and videos are not as clean as you think.

Indeed, your semen or sperm has the power to create another human being. According to Chinese philosophy, this is a spiritual essence (called Jing), which is limited and stored in the kidney. If you waste it on your chair, pillows, or pants, you basically decrease your longevity or shorten your life.

How Does the Karma of Masturbation Manifest?

When you watch pornography, you do not just “watch”, but you want to engage with the partner inside the scene through the faculty of the eyes, doesn’t matter what your intention is about.

You’ve used the faculty of imagination (want to engage) and emotions (want to feel good) while doing this act. Thus, the karma itself may play out in these faculties of yours.

There is one thing you must know: having sex before marriage can bring negative spiritual consequences into your life. When you want to have sex with someone else’s wife or husband, as shown in your intention of watching porn, you will have to pay off the debts one way or another, for this is an immutable law of the universe.

Now, because the nature of your self-gratification act is not a real exchange with another person, your bad karma/sins are less severe than the actual sexual intercourse. However, you still have to pay off the karmic debts physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

On the physical manifestation of the debts, you may face problems related to your eyes, kidneys, liver, or sexual organs. Or you may frequently experience fatigue, hair loss, lack of energy, premature ejaculation, difficulties in reaching organisms, weakened immune system, stuffy nose, having a hunchback, etc.

Buddhist teachings indicate that 40g of blood equals 1g of semen; 40g of semen equals 1g of marrow; and 40g of marrow equals 1 brain cell. After ejaculating, you lose around 20g of semen, which is equal to 800g of blood.

In other words, you lose approximately 1 liter of blood after one shot of ejaculation. This is the act that can kill you slowly over a long period of time. The karma of masturbation could decrease your bone marrow and brain cells, making you less focused, less intelligent, and less wise.

On the mental level, it can also make you prone to be sexually fantastical, lack self-control, and imagine immoral things.

Emotionally, you might have to suffer emotional pain, be it low self-esteem, poor self-respect, low self-confidence, or problems with your own self-image.

Indeed, when you masturbate by yourself, you actually take emotional advantage of another person, having wrongful intentions about them. Therefore, you may also find that people around you don’t respect you as they should, or you have trouble looking at other people’s eyes.

Weed, Alcohol, Drugs, and Masturbation

You may have wondered if a stoned sex with yourself or masturbating while “high” brings bad karma to your life.

The answer is yes: the karma of smoking weed, using VR, or drinking alcohol while masturbating can intensify the spiritual consequences of masturbating itself.

You see, the notable effect of drugs and marijuana is that it makes your experiences seem very real. It blurs your boundary between fantasy and reality, making you believe you actually have sex with the person on the screen.

Therefore, the karma of marijuana plus masturbation is much stronger than the karma of masturbation by itself. You also literally invite another evil spirit to take hold of your body while you’re “high”. This act can even affect the quality of your marriage you have or will have in the future.

Masturbation But Not Watching Porn

Here is another situation: You masturbate but you do not watch pornographic videos or see sexually stimulated pictures. This could be because you’re practicing semen retention, Tantra, or Taoism. Or you believe that sexual energy or qi/prana is a life force that can be transmuted and channeled for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The truth is that you need a true teacher who teaches you the sacred art of sexuality. There are so many fake energy practitioners nowadays because their main goal is to make money out of you, not to help you. If you learn Tantric practices just by reading a few books, it’s almost guaranteed to contain some form of spirit possession within it, as their focus is on money, fame, and reputation.

Tantra is based on the law of gender: the human body naturally contains both yin and yang energies. Through the interaction of these energies, your body can achieve a balanced state of yin and yang, allowing you to generate an abundance of supernatural abilities.

However, Tantric practices are normally only used by very advanced Buddhist monks or lamas, who are highly spiritually accomplished. They are guided through the practice by a master teacher. Because their minds are righteous, they are able to practice safely without succumbing to evil influences.

However, someone who is not very spiritually developed should not attempt these practices, as they would surely fall prey to evil forces. Their character would not be strong enough, and there would be no master to protect them in the spiritual world. They would still have worldly desires and sexual cravings, existing on a lower level. So for them, it would certainly lead to evil outcomes.

Spiritual Consequences of Masturbation Based on Buddhist Views

If you masturbate out of fun and pleasure without any spiritual purpose to your practice of self-love, you may want to consider the spiritual consequences of masturbation based on this Buddhist view.

This article does not condemn your sexual gender. I’m just here to send a message that there are spiritual consequences of your self-love act.

According to Buddhist teachings, there are 4 kinds of karma that can make a person homosexual:

  1. One is to commit adultery with one’s respected elders
  2. Second is to have sex with a homosexual person
  3. Third is self-gratification (masturbation)
  4. Fourth is someone who is involved in the prostitution business

Do you remember sex is an union between yin and yang? Hence, the spiritual consequences of masturbation has the possibility to make you a homosexual person, because your action leads to an imbalance of the feminine and masculine nature inside your body. Where you have yin, you lack yang, and where you have yang, you lack yin.

However, Buddhist teachings also emphasize the importance of intention and moderation based on what you do, so the manifestation of karma may appear uniquely for different people depending on different situations. They also said that by repenting and doing good deeds in the future, you may not have to face those circumstances.

How to Last Longer in Bed (An Honest Method that Works)

The most obvious spiritual consequence of masturbation is you have premature ejaculation or some sort of sexual health problem. There is no way around it because the law of the universe indicates every man must pay for their own wrongdoing in one way or another. If you don’t want to pay, you will be forced to pay.

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. As many as 1 out of 3 men say they have it at some time. Taking pills, going to see a doctor, doing surgery, or even drinking alcohol will not help because premature ejaculation is not only a physical condition, but it happens because of spiritual reasons.

If you take a physical approach to heal it, you will only delay your problems to a later time in your life, so the problems are bound to happen again later because you have not solved the root cause of your problem.

Even if you attempt to learn any Daoist method and Tantric practices, they will not help either because these books exist to make money out of you. True spiritual teachings will not be revealed as easily as that, and as I already explained above, only high-level Buddhist monks are allowed to do so. They must be highly spiritually advanced, and they must be guided through the practice by a master teacher.

Let’s think about it. If masturbating is like going to the gym, you will only get better and better after each time you do it, isn’t it so? But in reality, the more you do it, the more depleted you become and the faster you ejaculate. This is because your mind is becoming weakened, and lasting longer in bed is about training the mind.

95% of people nowadays think that lasting longer in bed is about techniques. If they do not last longer, it’s because they have not yet known about the true techniques that help them. But these views are wrong. Lasting longer in bed is a spiritual practice; it is not like going to the gym or training your PC muscles; you will have to follow spiritual principles if you want to last longer in bed.

To truly improve your bedroom performance, you need to train your mind and your character. This can be done by applying strict discipline to yourself or by going through some kinds of hardships and obstacles in life.

There are higher spiritual laws you need to follow, which I detailed everything in my Esoteric Astrology course. You can rest assured the principles will work. You will only need to train your character and the rest will follow. This course is free, because money is not the thing we take with us when we leave this life.

A Seeker Of Truth - A Student Of Life - A Master Of Self