The Complete Guide to the Nose in Chinese Face Reading
In Chinese face reading, the nose is the reservoir of wealth and self-importance. We can see a person’s ego, ability to make or spend money, and sexual powers by looking at the nose.
Chinese masters call the nose the “center of life”. The larger the nose, the more power, drive, and leadership skills a person has.
Not only the nose but the nostrils are also important. They are closely related to one’s financial success. The nostrils can indicate how a person spends money and how much wealth a person is likely to amass during his life.
In this post, I will reveal the meanings of the nose based on the art of Chinese face reading.
1. Size
Large Nose

In Chinese face reading, a large nose is related to the ego and its healthy needs, which give a person enough ambition to succeed. People with large noses are powerful and are individually strong.
As the nose is related to the lungs, a large nose means the person may also have large lungs. The larger the nose, the more drive, leadership ability, and desire to work independently. Large noses indicate a person who is ambitious and can stand out from the crowd.
Small Nose
People with small noses like to live in groups. They are not as independent as people with large noses, so they have great social and cooperative skills. They want to blend in rather than stand out from the crowd.
These people are easy-going and want an easy life. At work, people with small noses like a relaxed environment. They are spontaneous, imaginative, and not so much ambitious.
2. Shape
Flat Nose
In Chinese face reading, people with flat noses are content with life. They prefer whatever belongs to the old days and seem to be slow to adopt new innovations. They are not that adventurous as they value security.
These people make great teammates due to their diplomatic nature. They are cooperative, friendly, and group-oriented.
Protruding Nose
Protruding nose belongs to pioneers, leaders, and trendsetters. People with protruding noses like to do things in an innovative and different way. The way they work and think is progressive.
These people don’t like to follow orders and routines. Instead, their lives are often full of adventurous journeys.
Thin and Narrow (Aquiline) Nose
Aquiline, or thin and narrow noses, are a sign of idealism. These people value ideals over money and quality over quantity. They have long-term rather than short-term visions.
People with aquiline noses like strategy and have a business mind. Yet, they can be aggressive sometimes.
Bony Nose
In Chinese face readings, people with bony noses usually try to abstain from material things. They value a simple life based on values rather than the appearance of things.
These people tend to escape from the world to a monastic-type life. They are not seekers of pleasures but they seek important lessons gained from life experiences.
Pointed Nose
If your nose is pointed and sharp, you have a nose for news. You are curious about things happening around you and want to find answers for everything. You are the ideal candidate to be a popular person in your group as you know all the stories and details about everyone.
A pointed nose can also indicate a great ability to make decisions and clear thinking. You can reach high positions in the scientific and business industries.
Straight Nose

Straight noses belong to people who are loyal, disciplined, and fair. They are gifted with the look of elegance and regal. These people value relationships and have the potential for great success in work. In fact, success seems to come easily to straight-nosed people.
These people have a sense of justice, even though they can be impatient sometimes. In the art of reading faces, people with straight noses are career-wise and can climb to the top when doing business.
3. Length
Long Nose
A long nose is a sign of ambition. The longer the nose, the more pride a person has. Individuals with long noses are oriented to do business with great ambition. People usually respond to them positively, and they tend to be in positions of leadership.
These people have great instincts. Their main problems are related to resentment as they demand appreciation from others for their efforts. If someone looks down on people with long noses, he may make a big mistake.
Short Nose
People with short noses are said to be loyal and compassionate. They aren’t ambitious, so they are usually content with what they have. Luckily, short noses indicate healthy egos.
However, due to their lack of motivation, these people tend to have difficulty committing to a cause. They may want several things but are short on stamina to achieve them.
4. Position
High-set Nose
In the art of reading faces, people with high noses are ambitious, proud, and energetic. They are trendsetters, warriors, and leaders. They can climb very high on the career ladder, especially the one that benefits other people.
These people have abundant energy to attain what they want. People with high-set noses are also righteous and confident enough to fight against injustice around the world. This is a revolutionary nose rather than a conforming-to-rules nose.
Low-set Nose
People with low-set noses are not that ambitious. They don’t usually like to become leaders, but want to work with others. Thus, people with low noses can be great teammates who are very loyal.
In fact, there are many low-set-nosed people who are the “right hand” of powerful leaders around the world.
Yet, they have a tendency to depend too much on others. If their leaders don’t have good morals, people with low noses may follow the wrong ways.
5. Nose Tip
Generally, nose tip size relates to one’s financial security. Thus, a chunky nose tip means the person’s major concern is saving for the future, which holds the opposite meaning with the tiny nose tip.
Rounded Tip
A rounded nose tip means financial pleasures for both men and women. They are not greedy, but they do find pleasure in what money can buy. People with rounded nose tips appreciate things with value and want the best out of the things they buy.
Fleshy Tip
If you have a fleshy nose tip, you may love good food and drink. Yet, if you don’t pay enough attention to your diet, you tend to indulge in junk food. Otherwise, you are a great person to be asked about which restaurants to dine in.
Split Tip
As its name suggests, a split nose tip means a split feeling about your love of things and food. There is some guilt associated with the things you do to enjoy yourselves. People with split nose tips tend to become overweight.
6. Nose Bridge
Nose bridge is generally associated with how much money can come in or how much energy the owner has to use.
A straight nose bridge is better than a crooked one. People with straight nose bridges with wrinkles are likely to be busy throughout life, yet they often find difficulty in amassing wealth. If the straight nose bridge has a grey mole or any shadow, this can be a bad sign for health and family. If there is a black mole, then it can indicate bad luck in marriage.
A bump on the bridge of the nose is a sign of a person who wants to be in charge. This bump can also indicate pride and leadership ability.
People with a wide nose bridge have great physical strength and stamina. Money can flow into their pockets abundantly as they can make money in large amounts. This can also be a sign of someone who has a very strong spine.
If the nose bridge is narrow, it often bears the opposite meaning to the wide bridge. Thus, a narrow nose bridge can signify a person who has less physical energy and tends to make money in smaller amounts. Their spine may not be strong as well.
7. Nose Wings
In Chinese face readings, nose wings that are rounded and fleshy indicate success in early life and good social skills. People with this kind of nose wings have talents for making and managing money. If the nose wings are thin, this may not be an auspicious sign as it suggests failure and bad financial management.
If the nose wings are accompanied with a mole, this can indicate financial losses in old age. This mole can also reveal suffering from chronic stomach disease.
8. Nostrils
Chinese face readers regard the nostrils as the second moneybox.
Wide and large nostrils belong to people who spend money and energy easily. “Easy come, easy go” is the best saying to describe these people.
If the nostrils are narrowed, we have someone who is careful about spending money. They value their money and are oriented toward savings. The things they like most are free stuff and discounted items. It doesn’t mean they are cheap, but this indicates someone who is extremely careful about the ways they spend their money. Yet, they can be stingy sometimes.
9. Moles on Nose
Moles on the nose indicate things related to self-esteem and respect. If you have a mole on the nose, this is a sign of high respect coming from your friends and family.
If a mole appears on the nose bridge, you may have troubles with your health, money, and marriage.
A mole on the nose tip can reveal you are an extravagant person. You tend to spend money more than what you make due to your short-tempered nature. Therefore, saving money is your problem and you will usually have issues with financial security.
When a mole is on the wings of the nose, this suggests financial insecurity in old age, especially when you are around 50 years old.
A mole on the right side of the nose is a good sign. If you have this mole, you can be very passionate. You possess a strong sexual drive.
Next: Philtrum Face Reading
- Face Reading in Chinese Medicine – Lillian Bridges (My top 1 recommendation!)
- The Art and Science of Face Reading: Face Morphology in the Western Spiritual Tradition – Jennifer Lamonica
- Face Reading: Keys to Instant Character Analysis – Chi Kuei
- Read the Face: Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health – Eric Standop and Elisa Petrini
- The Face Reader: Discover Anyone’s Personality, Compatibility, Talents, and Challenges Through Face Reading – Patrician McCarthy
- Face Reading Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – Jonathan Dee

Hello, thank you for your content.
I love the face reading knowledge!
What are your thoughts on nose piercings?
Do they make a dent in the age palaces on the nose? Or affect wealth in any way?
Appreciate your insight.
Thanks again!
Wisdom Tavern
I believe that face reading is based on the original shape of the face. But things like cosmetic surgery or nose piercing may affect you in some ways. It is more about internal changes rather than external. For example, if after the cosmetic surgery the person feels good about herself, then changes will start from the inside and manifest outside, which eventually affects the way the person thinks, behaves, and believes about herself. So in the end, this may affect wealth/fortune in some ways, but it all has to happen from the inside and manifest to the outside.
Brilliant take! Helps me reframe my thoughts around external manipulations. Thank you!