The Complete Guide to the Chin in Chinese Face Reading
In Chinese face reading, the chin signifies character and willpower. As a rule, the stronger the chin, the more powerful the will. It is related to the water element and can tell us about the health of the kidneys.
The ancient Chinese regard the chin as the earth while considering the forehead as the heaven. The chin tells us how a person is likely to be in old age while the forehead signifies a person’s childhood.
Determination, power, and vitality can all be seen from the chin. A nicely rounded and smooth chin means you will be taken care of in life.
In this post, I will talk about the meanings of the chin based on the art of Chinese face reading.
1. Size
Large and Broad Chin
A large and broad chin is a sign of a strong will and longevity. It signifies a person who desires to work and live long till old age. This is a righteous and honest person who strongly believes in himself. People with broad and large chins often find great pleasure in work.
They are determined to finish what they start. They must achieve success. Not only people with broad chins are blessed with abundant energy, but they also possess a great sense of justice. These people are ideal candidates for superhero movies.
However, one of their negative traits is stubbornness. They are not willing to listen to others and can be aggressive. They are not really fun to be with as they often take things seriously. If someone mistakenly teases their character, this act is proven to be destructive to the teaser.
If someone has an extremely broad and large chin, we have an archetype of a tyrant.
Small Chin

A small chin belongs to someone who is gentle and easy-going. People with small chins usually don’t have enough willpower to work in old age. This kind of chin is commonly found more in women than in men.
They are cooperative and have excellent teamwork skills. People with small chins make great friends because they are tolerant towards others. They may not be as strong as people with large chins, but they are as powerful as water. In fact, water can even cut down the rock if we know how to use it properly.
However, if someone has a very small chin, this can indicate a lack of strength in character. These people need to stand up for themselves against life challenges. They may also be viewed as weak due to their yielding nature.
2. Length
Long Chin
In Chinese face reading, people with long chins are said to have “horse faces.” This is because of their tendency to gamble, which often becomes an uncontrollable addiction. They want to look “sufficient” in front of others, so they usually adorn themselves with many luxury items.
This makes others wonder if they have legally acquired the money or possessions. Long-chinned people are rarely lonely. They can attract many friends due to their warm and affectionate nature. Yet, they are prone to be exploited financially by others (because they expose their wealth openly!)
People with long chins have a talent for management and organization. “Possibility” is their motto as these ambitious people will aim for whatever is possible. Although these people are not lucky in gambling, they can find luck in love. Both men and women who have long chins are very attractive to the opposite sex.
Short Chin
People with short chins are more sensitive than others. They are prone to emotional fluctuation and tend to be introverted. These people can’t resist negative words thrown at them, and they will express themselves emotionally if someone goes beyond the limit line.
People with short chins are not quite as social as people with long chins. Therefore, they can be lonely in later life.
These people may also lack staying power so they must develop patience to achieve what they want. More often than not, short chin indicates the individual is impatient.
3. Shape
Square Chin
When we read a person’s face, a square chin shows emotional strength and practicality. This chin really belongs to a fighter who is willing to fight for what he believes in. He is full of energy and vigor, but sometimes he can be combative and aggressive.
People with square chins do not mind life challenges. They are restless and relentless in striving to achieve their goals, doesn’t matter the difficulties. These people are born to climb the ladder of success. They love to plan and have great discipline to carry out their plans.
A square chin also indicates a high ideal/standard of life. Square-chinned people are responsible for what they do. We rarely see these people face financial difficulties due to their strength in overcoming challenges.
However, people with square chins can be unforgiving of any mistake done to them. They cannot deal with defeat and disrespect. If someone has an extremely square chin, we have an example of a great soldier and warrior.
Round Chin
If you need someone who has good listening skills to hear your problems, people with round chins may be the best option for you. In Chinese face reading, a round chin indicates generosity, friendliness, and high intuition.
People with round chins are said to be very attached to their families.
If there is any conflict arising, they can play an exceptional role as mediators. They are not very ambitious like people with square chins, but they do take responsibility for what they do.
Moreover, a round chin represents a good work ethic with great cooperative skills. Although people with round chins tend to craft their careers early, they may lack a single point of focus when planning.
If a round chin appears on a woman’s face, she can be highly devoted to her family. She is also emotionally expressive. This can be a good sign for fertility. Men can easily satisfy women with round chins in bed.
Pointed Chin
In Chinese face reading, pointed chins belong to people who are sharp and intelligent. They need to be around others to be happy. These people are very friendly and social, which is the reason why they have many friends and admirers.
A pointed chin signifies emotional problems because the owner is prone to suffer mood swings and oversensitivity. Especially, people with pointed chins like to gossip and have a tendency to deceive others. Therefore, although they are socially active, their relationships are often short-lived.
A pointed chin is also a great indication of supernatural understanding. They are excellent people in business who have the gifts of quick decision-making and technical abilities.
Interestingly, women with pointed chins tend to have erotic voices that attract their mates. However, both women and men who have this type of chin often have difficulty sorting out their feelings. Thus, there may be many misunderstandings in their intimate relationships.
Receding Chin
People with receding chins are not very ambitious according to Mien Shiang. These people can become popular because of their calmness. Yet, they are prone to be ruled by others as their will is not that strong.
A receding chin suggests a strong desire for a peaceful life. It can also indicate there will be a significant change in financial matters between the ages of 35 and 50. During this period, they need to learn to overcome their weaknesses, such as indifference and carelessness.
As you can see, the personality of people who have receding chin is not suited for enterprising works. Instead, these people do best in a teamwork environment where people cooperate with each other to achieve a single goal.
Jutting Chin
If you have a jutting chin, you can be extremely strong-willed. You have a rock-solid confidence in yourself to achieve whatever you want. But, a jutting chin also indicates there is an excess of self-importance and aggression.
Should these negative tendencies appear, you are powerful enough to transform these negative energies into positive works by using merely your willpower. If you can do so, you may find success when you are young, especially in areas of business.
In fact, many great entrepreneurs and managers have jutting chins on their faces. These people are usually in leadership positions. Women with jutting chins are considered to be very mindful about their careers.
Women who have this kind of chin also have wonderfully beautiful breasts. They can find it easy to choose the right man to satisfy their many different needs. However, they can be extravagant with money.
Cleft Chin
In Chinese face reading, a cleft chin is a chin divided in the middle, which belongs to practical people. These people have a thirst for adventures and will restlessly be on journeys for new challenges.
People who have cleft chin are indeed attractive. They enjoy being the center of attention and can be a good mate. Usually, they have many love affairs in life. With each intimate affair, they “fall” in love seriously and deeply each time.
These people are great playmates as they know how to have fun in bed with their partners. But we should not expect faithfulness in these people. They must be aware of the spiritual consequences of having sex before marriage.
They are constantly searching for perfection, especially in their love stories. Men and women with cleft chins tend to have good appearances. Yet, one of the great setbacks is infidelity.
Double Chin
Double chin means late happiness in the Chinese art of reading faces. As a rule, they usually get double happiness after the age of 60.
Double chin is regarded as a feminine trait. Therefore, people with this chin know how to enjoy life and can take care of themselves. These people are famous for their eloquence in speech and conversation.
People with double chin also have a passionate nature. If men have this kind of chin, this is an auspicious sign as it indicates fortune in making money. They are generous with their possessions.
4. Moles on Chin
Moles located on the chin are usually signs of good work ethics and self-assertive quality.
If there is a mole appearing in the middle of the chin, this is a sign of recognition, praise, and special honor at work.
When the mole is on the right side of the chin, this signifies an analytical mind and diplomatic nature.
When the mole is located on the left of the chin, we have someone who is straightforward and honest.
Next: Jaw Face Reading
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