Oval Face Personality in Face Reading
An oval-shaped face often gives people a boost of altruistic qualities. You can see these people in helpful industries such as politics and philanthropy because they love helping others.
One of the best examples of a person with an oval face is President Barack Obama. He served as the 44th President of the US and was best known as the first colored president of the country.

Another American politician who also has an oval face shape is Dwight Eisenhower. He was the 34th President of the US and played a significant role during World War II.

As you can see, Dwight’s face is a combination of both an oval shape and a rectangle shape because of his squared jaw.
Perhaps Oprah Winfrey is the ideal oval-faced person. She is one of the best speakers, authors, and philanthropists, who clearly demonstrates the positive qualities of love and compassion.
Do you know that having an oval face shape means you are sociable, friendly, and diplomatic?
In Chinese face reading, people with oval faces are cooperative, understanding, and sensitive. Oval-faced people are very much involved in charitable causes as they love to help others.
1. Oval Face Characteristics
To determine whether you have an oval face or not, look to see if your face has these traits:
- Circle-shaped face
- The face is longer than wide
- Small, narrowed jaw
- Round cheeks and cheekbones
- Oval or pointed chin
- Medium nose and mouth
While both round and oval faces resemble the circle shape, oval faces are usually narrower and longer. If their cheekbones are prominent and sharp, there is a high chance that the person has a mixture of an oval face and a diamond face.
2. Personality Traits
There are 4 dominant personality traits of people with oval faces:
- Diplomatic
- Charming
- Intelligent
- Communicative
Positive Traits
People with oval faces are certainly social types, but they are less outgoing compared to people with round faces. In Chinese face reading, an oval-faced person is considered “a host or a diplomat” due to their excellent socialization skills.
People with oval-shaped faces are very intelligent because they know what and when to say. They are masters in the art of communication. These people know the precise words to use to make others feel comfortable.
This face shape shares many common characteristics with the round face, such as being lighthearted, easygoing, and fun-seeking. These people tend to have a strong mother influence. They are very sensitive to what other people feel and think about them.
Unlike people with square faces, these people usually strive for peace and cooperation instead of competition and dominance. They want everybody to get along with each other, so they can be wonderful middlemen who can solve problems effectively.
The phrase “manner makes a man” truly describes their elegant conduct. Oval-faced people are also romantic in their relationship.
They especially love to help others. They are likely to be involved with charitable causes and humanitarian activities.
Negative Traits
As people with oval-shaped faces value peace and cooperation, they may appear weak in front of others because they don’t want to fight.
Too many times people with oval faces agree to the opposite opinions for the sake of peace. Thus, they may leave out their individuality and cater to other people’s needs. They tend to be victims of criticism when things go wrong.
Because oval-faced people are highly sensitive to others’ feelings, they can be easily emotionally overwhelmed.
3. Talents
People with oval faces often have these natural talents:
- Emotional Intelligence
- Social skills
- Diplomacy
- Teamwork
- Negotiation
See all facial shapes here: Face Shapes in Chinese Face Reading
- Face Reading in Chinese Medicine – Lillian Bridges (My top 1 recommendation!)
- The Art and Science of Face Reading: Face Morphology in the Western Spiritual Tradition – Jennifer Lamonica
- Face Reading: Keys to Instant Character Analysis – Chi Kuei
- Read the Face: Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health – Eric Standop and Elisa Petrini
- The Face Reader: Discover Anyone’s Personality, Compatibility, Talents, and Challenges Through Face Reading – Patrician McCarthy
- Face Reading Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – Jonathan Dee