Face Reading

Rectangle Face Personality in Face Reading

You will see that many presidents of countries or CEOs of businesses have rectangular faces. This kind of face is commonly seen in politics, high-structured organizations, businesses, royal families, etc.

One of the great examples of people who possess a rectangular face is Ronald Reagan. He is an American politician who served as the 40th president of the United States.

Ronald Reagan possesses a rectangle face.
Ronald Reagan

Another president of the United States who also has a rectangular face is Donald Trump. You probably have known about him because of his ambitious, controlling, and powerful personality.

Another example of a rectangle-faced person is President Donald Trump.
Donald Trump

There may be no other great example of rectangle-face shapes other than Princess Diana. She was a member of the British Royal Family and was best known for her beauty, intelligence, and charisma.

Princess Diana also has a rectangle face shape.
Princess Diana

Another example of a rectangle-faced person is Tom Cruise. Although he is not born into a royal family, his rectangular face shape represents the ideal handsomeness for many men in Hollywood.

Do you know that having a rectangle-shaped face means you are a deep thinker and look like a member of the royal family?

In Chinese face reading, people with rectangular faces are business-minded, contemplative, and profound. When your face shape is rectangular, you appear elegant and idealistic in front of others.

1. Rectangle Face Characteristics

The facial characteristics of rectangle faces are:

  • Long, strong forehead
  • Weak cheekbones
  • Well-defined mouth
  • Strong chin or jawline
  • The face is longer than it is wide
  • Squared jaw

The shape of a rectangle looks very much the same as a square. In rectangle-faced people, the face’s width is narrower than its length. The rectangle face is the refinement of the square face.

2. Personality Traits

The key personality traits of people with rectangle faces are:

  • Hard-working
  • Self-control
  • Contemplative

Positive Traits

Also recognized as the wood face, a rectangular face shape gives an individual a sense of coolness and detachment. People with rectangular faces are best known for their self-control ability. They can get things done without the influence of strong emotions.

Although rectangle-faced people love to plan for the future, they are introspective about their past. They often spend a lot of time contemplating the lessons they have learned. Yet people still call them “seers” because of their visionary and far-sighted wisdom.

These people can be authoritative and strong-willed just like the squared-face people. They value logic and strategy, which make them great managers in the business world.

In fact, people with this kind of face are more favorable candidates for promotions compared to other facial shapes.

Traditionally, many royal family members had rectangular face shapes. This facial structure also means the individual appears highly intelligent and elegant in front of others.

Their confidence is strong, and we can feel this type of positive energy when we are around them. Rectangle-faced people are also excellent teachers because they love to inspire and help others to grow.

One of their best traits is the ability to think critically. They usually think twice before they act, even though they can act quickly when they’ve made up their minds.

Negative Traits

People with rectangular faces can appear to be aloof and not approachable. Because these people can control their emotions very well, they rarely reveal their true feelings. This trait might cause them to have fewer friends in life, which may make them “a loner in the jungle”.

These people tend towards sadness and depression. One of their main lessons in life is to know when to stand out from the crowd and when to cooperate with others.

People with rectangular faces can appear to be authoritative. They may also have struggles with following other people’s commands because they are very independent by nature.

3. Talents

People who have rectangle faces usually possess these talents:

  • Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Leadership
  • Vision

See all facial shapes here: Face Shapes in Chinese Face Reading


  1. Face Reading in Chinese Medicine – Lillian Bridges (My top 1 recommendation!)
  2. The Art and Science of Face Reading: Face Morphology in the Western Spiritual Tradition – Jennifer Lamonica
  3. Face Reading: Keys to Instant Character Analysis – Chi Kuei
  4. Read the Face: Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health – Eric Standop and Elisa Petrini
  5. The Face Reader: Discover Anyone’s Personality, Compatibility, Talents, and Challenges Through Face Reading – Patrician McCarthy
  6. Face Reading Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – Jonathan Dee

A Seeker Of Truth - A Student Of Life - A Master Of Self

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