Esoteric Letters

Spiritual Meaning of Letter K

Letter K attributesMeaning and Specification
Astrological signTaurus
SymbolPalm of hand, light, the calf
Spiritual meaningKundalini, Kabbalah, Knowledge, King
Numerology value11/2
Stand forKey, Kingdom, Kindness, Known
Spiritual meaning of letter K

Meaning of Letter K

Letter K corresponds to Kaph in the Hebrew alphabet, meaning palm of the hand. It symbolizes the act of taking hold of opportunities and grounding them into physical reality. The astrological symbol of Kaph is Taurus, whose ruler is planet Venus.

When we pronounce kaph, it sounds like “caf” or “calf”. In the Bible, when the Jews worshiped the calf, it is the symbolic representation of taking Venus or Taurus as an idol.

Taurus symbolizes material possession, money, and physical reality in astrology. If you rotate the picture of kaph, it literally symbolizes the horn of the Bull (Taurus).

Letter Kaph in Hebrew
Letter Kaph (K) in Hebrew

Thus, the whole story of worshiping the calf (K) resembles the materialistic tendency in our human nature that puts money above spirituality.

There is really not much difference between the Jewish golden calf and the golden bull on Wallstreet nowadays.

Being the 11th letter, K is the symbolic light the illuminates after reaching perfection (10). In numerology:

LIGHT = 3 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 2 = 29/11/2

Thus, K is the welcome sign for the new initiate to seek spiritual truths. This is why when they are initiated into a new order, they have to walk through 2 pillars of Jachin and Boaz. These pillars representing the duality of letter K: good and evil, positive and negative, light and dark.

In spirituality, K also represents the Kundalini serpents rising from the base of our spine. These 2 coiled serpents are also the dual nature within our being (1+1=2): Masculine and feminine principle.

When we harmonize these forces, they will rise up and open each chakra they encounter. Thus, we are enlightened because the chakra will spread out light when it is activated.

Caduceus wand
Caduceus wand

According to Resurrect Isis, K stands for King in Egyptian symbolism, representing the posture of a standing king with a mace. In this picture, the mace is symbolic of the lowercase b, representing Osiris’s gonads.

The lowercase k resembles the throne above Isis’s head, which is the kingdom of her descendants on Earth.

“And remember when We saved you from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with the worst torment – killing your sons and keeping your women alive. And in that was a great trial from your Lord.” (Quran – 7:141)

Osiris and his descendants were known as the “breeders” because they bred widely on every country they gained power over. They slew the male and bred with the female to keep their royal bloodline outspread in the world.

If you were to wonder why there are so many people suffer in the worlds, it might be explained in this Bible verse:

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.” (Exodus 20:5)

Note: If you want to understand deeper about the esoteric knowledge of letters and numbers, I would strongly recommend you read The Secret Science Of Numerology. I use this book as a reference for this article, so check this out!

Meaning of Letter K in Your Name

Positive Traits

In numerology, if the first letter of your first name starts with K, you are Kind, Keen, and Knowledgeable in character. The picture of K is of 2 V pointing in 2 directions: up and down. Therefore, people with K in their names receive the divine revelation from above and manifest their insights into the material world.

As K stands firmly on the ground, it suggests that you are a person who has material influence. As K’s numerical value is 2, you seek harmony, balance, and beauty in every aspect of your life. You are blessed with artistic and musical talents under the influence of planet Venus.

K people possess the spiritual Knowing that unlocks the Key to the unseen world. You should always choose the spiritual over the material path because it will “light” up your body, mind, and soul.

Negative Traits

When K’s energy becomes negative, you can be easily hurt due to oversensitivity. The negative sides of K’s vibration can manifest as deceptive, dishonest, intolerant, and sneaky in personality.

You should learn to calm yourself down against the chaos of life and transfer the divine revelation you received to other people.

A Seeker Of Truth - A Student Of Life - A Master Of Self