The Complete Guide to the Ears in Chinese Face Reading
In Chinese face reading or Mien Shiang, the ears indicate one’s risk-taking ability, longevity, fertility, sexuality, the strength of the reproductive system, and the basis of physical health. Chinese physiognomy indicates that the ears correspond to the water element, which is closely related to the vigor of the kidneys.
In this post, I will talk about the meanings of your ears based on the art of Chinese face reading.
1. Size
To determine the size of your ears, look at their ratio corresponding to your whole face from the forehead to the chin.
If your face can fit 3 to 4 ears, then you would have long and large ears. If your face can fit 5 to 9 ears, then you may have short and small ears.
What if you have a large face and large ears, then would you still be considered as having large ears?
The answer is it depends.
Each face reader has different systems, so you should rely on your own intuition. According to Patrician McCarthy, the founder of The Mien Shang Institute, the size of large ears is more than 65 mm (2.6″) long and 36mm [1.42″] wide.
Small Ears

In Chinese face reading, people with small ears are introverted, cautious, and thoughtful. The smaller the ears, the more hesitance a person has when he decides to take a risk.
People with small ears have a desire for perfection. They prefer to take little information to deal with instead of reading a mountain of texts. These people don’t just collect information – they take each sentence meticulously.
Small-eared people tend to be self-critical and contemplative. They have less drive for ambitious goals but are content with what life has to offer.
Children with small ears are very well-behaved. They don’t like to displease others while seeking peace and cooperation.
In most face reading books, small ears are viewed as an inauspicious sign, but small ears actually indicate the person is well-calculated before taking any important step. They don’t rush into impulsive actions without having planned them step-by-step before.
Such individuals often possess a strong sense of prudence and patience.
Large Ears
Those with large ears are considered natural leaders in Chinese face reading. These people are risk-takers, so they make great entrepreneurs. They will seek opportunities to prove their strength.
If a person has both large and long ears, they can be an exceptional listener.
Because big ears are associated with one’s boldness, people with large ears are often gamblers and like to perform dangerous acts, especially with money. They have a powerful belief in their personal power, which enables them to grab any opportunities coming along their way.
People with large ears are usually successful in business due to their outgoing and extroverted nature. They are in touch with their intuition, yet they are prone to committing unthoughtful and hasty actions.
Large ears also indicate the person will live long and seldom get sick throughout life.
2. Shape
Round Ears
People with round ears are outgoing, fun, imaginative, and dependable. There is kindness in their manner.
They are also positive, inspiring, and charming in personality. They usually attract a lot of good friends. These are the people of comfort and happiness.
Those with round ears will not give up on their goals. Instead, they are brave enough to stand up to protect the principles they adhere to.
In relationships, they are warm and trustworthy friends. Yet, these people are not usually good at managing money.
Square Ears
Square ears belong to people who are analytical and practical. These people have sharp minds, which help them easily see through others’ hidden motivations.
They can run several projects simultaneously because they don’t want to get bored with only one thing. These people need constant stimulation to bring up their mood.
People with square ears are also said to possess quick intelligence, dynamic drive, and astute insight.
Pointed Ears
In Chinese physiognomy, pointed ears belong to people who like to plan and do secret things. These people are like detectives who want to find answers for everything in life.
Pointed ears also reveal that the person might have a difficult childhood. They are prone to extreme emotion due to the fire element, sometimes to the point of bitterness. Yet these people are sensitive conversationalists.
Pointed ears can also suggest a sharp, analytical mind. They are quick-witted, perceptive, and sometimes a bit mischievous.
Protruding Inner Ears
People who have protruding inner ears tend to be creative and unconventional. They have a tendency to exaggerate. These individuals can become great fictional writers and fantasy storytellers.
Wide Conch Ears
Those with wide conch ears are gifted with musical talents. Their ears resemble a conch and can catch the rhythm of words and the flow of music so well.
It is said that these people are seekers of peace and harmony. They are usually easy-going, kind, and warm-hearted by nature.
Buddha Ears
When a person has Buddha ears, this person is blessed with longevity, luck, and abundance in life. This is considered one of the most auspicious ear shapes in Chinese face reading. People who have Buddha ears are said to be spiritual-oriented and love to teach wisdom to others.
3. Set
To determine your set of ears, draw a line from the end of your eyebrows and the tip of your nose.
High-set ears are higher than the outer ends of your eyebrows and higher than the tip of your nose, while low-set ears are lower than these two lines.
If your ears fit perfectly between these two lines, then you would have average-set ears, which denotes common sense and average behaviors.
High Set Ears
People with high-set ears are likely to start their careers early in life. Chinese face reading tells us that this is a sign of fame, which means that these people will be recognized by their peers.
High-set ears signify that the owner has a quicker-than-average ability to process information. These kinds of ears often belong to computer geniuses like Steve Jobs, who are able to work at the rapid speed required in the technological industry.
Low Set Ears
Low-set ears reveal a person’s tendency to start their careers late in life. They may look slow to react, yet they are action-oriented and practical. These people like to have a lot of friends in their lives.
People with low-set ears can mingle well with others. They are also said to be idealistic, intelligent, and friendly.
4. Position
To determine the position of your ears, look to see if your ears stand out from the sides of your head.
Flat to Head
When your ears are flat to the head, this means you are an exceptional listener. In fact, you can listen to many conversations at the same time, and can hear the “hidden feeling” of others.
People with ears lying flat to the head are very sensitive to sounds. They are usually introverted, shy, and have a strong desire to belong.
Sticking Out
When your ears stick out from your head, you only hear what you want to hear. In Chinese face reading, people with forward-facing ears tend to be stubborn and independent. They often don’t seek cooperation but instead want to stand out from the crowd.
Thus, these people are usually pioneers in their field. They like to be the center of attention. Recognition and admiration are usually what they seek in life. People with ears sticking out from the head are also astute, self-assertive, and self-confident.
5. Elements
There are 5 elements associated with the ears according to Chinese philosophy, which are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The elemental ears may be either lucky or unlucky depending on different types of face shapes.
Wood Ears
The inner circle of wood ears extends beyond the outer wheel. The top of the heaven wheel is usually sloped upward and is larger than the middle area of the ears. In Chinese physiognomy, wood ears tend to be thin with small or attached earlobes.
People with wood ears are patient and persistent by nature. They are consistent in achieving their goals. Rewards come to them not by mere luck but by their hard work over a long period of time. These people are determined and will not give up until they achieve their goals.
Wood ears can also promise happy, healthy, and lucky old age if discipline and patience are well-developed during a person’s life.
However, if the wood ears are accompanied by a metal face or an earth face, the happy fate of this person is likely to be decreased.
Fire Ears
Fire Ears are recognized by their pointed upper heaven wheel. Similar to wood ears, the inner circle of the ears extends beyond the outer wheel.
Fire ears belong to impulsive, spontaneous, and hot-headed people. They tend to be very fiery with their emotions.
However, people with fire ears are also self-confident and independent. These people are action-oriented, brave, and courageous leaders.
When the fire ears are combined with a fire face, this increases the chance of living a fulfilling and happy life.
Earth Ears
In Mien Shiang, earth ears are relatively large and fleshy. This type of ear is often rounded and full in both outer and inner rings.
Earth ears are regarded as auspicious ears in Chinese physiognomy because they indicate a long, fulfilled, and fortunate life. People with earth ears are loyal to their friends and family. They feel happy when there are others around them.
These people will generally be respected and loved throughout life.
However, when earth ears go together with a wood face, the luck of this person can be reduced.
Metal Ears
Metal ears are quite similar to fire ears in a way that they are usually pointed. Metal ears are angular and sharp. Often, these ears have hard lobes and are paler than the overall facial skin. The inner and outer circles of metal ears are so close that they almost touch.
In face reading, people with metal ears are curious, intellectual, and creative. They can perceive things differently compared to others, which helps them gain success and wealth easily.
Yet, metal ears reveal that the person has a tendency to be selfish. He is willing to sacrifice personal relationships in exchange for personal benefits. This type of ear can also signify a difficult childhood within the family dynamic.
Some face readers say if metal ears are accompanied by a wood face shape, then bad luck seems inevitable.
Water Ears
In Chinese face reading, there is a softness associated with water ears. These ears usually rise above the eyebrow line and have large, rounded earlobes. The color of water ears tends to be lighter than the color of the face.
Water ears belong to people with exceptional listening skills. These people can listen to the utmost depth of other people’s feelings. People with water ears are also flexible, calm, and intelligent. They are the best negotiators and are likely to do well in business.
However, when water ears are attached to a fire face, this can indicate sudden misfortune and financial losses in the person’s life.
6. Colors
In Chinese face reading, the color of your ears indicates your luck, ability, and overall state of health. Generally, the darker the color of your ears, the weaker the strength of your kidneys.
The meanings of your ear’s colors are shown in this table:
Ears’ color | Meaning |
Black | Unhealthy body, confused thoughts, weak kidney, wandering mind. The worst color of ears. |
Grey | Stronger than black ears but still have weak kidneys and body, lack of energy, tend to be lazy. Sudden illness and misfortune. |
Red | Hard life, usually not getting what deserves to be received, have limited achievement in life. Irritable, sensitive to criticism, and have high blood pressure. |
Pink | Good luck. Can attain great achievements. Life is usually happy. Good memory and possess great patience. |
White | Fortunate throughout life. Strong kidney, excellent brain-power, noble quality, high status, and have a refined mind. |
7. Earlobes
In Chinese face reading, earlobes represent longevity, wealth, wisdom, and health. Thus, the bigger the earlobes, the better wealth and health a person has.
People who have big earlobes are usually taken care of when they are old. These people possess wisdom and are excellent with long-term investments. Warren Buffett has big fat earlobes. These individuals tend to attract luck in stock exchanges and acquiring real estate.
In contrast, small earlobes don’t indicate anything related to lack of knowledge or inability. Rather, small earlobes demonstrate that the person is present-oriented. This person is spontaneous and wants instant gratification. Thus, the individual is usually content with life.
8. Moles on Ears

Moles on ears are usually signs of fortune and luck. In women, moles on ears mean that the woman’s life is auspicious. She is highly intelligent and is able to make quick decisions.
If the woman has moles on both ears, this means she will live the most pleasant life and can easily influence others. If the mole is only on her left ear, this indicates she can have a lucky marriage.
When a mole appears in the earlobes in either male or female, this shows the person’s strong commitment to his/her family. In Chinese face reading, moles on the earlobes also signify noble character and good fortune in general.
Next: Hairline Face Reading
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