Face Reading

Round Face Personality in Face Reading

Unlike people with square faces or rectangle shapes, round-faced people are not very popular in the world of politics and business. This kind of face shape is often seen more in women than in men.

You will find them gathering mostly in the entertainment industry, as this is the industry of fun and pleasure.

One example of a rounded-faced person is Selena Gomez. She is an American singer and actress, who was very famous during the 2000s period.

Another good example of a round face is Ginnifer Goodwin. She is an actress and is best known for her starring role in the ABC fantasy series “Once Upon a Time”.

Leonardo DiCaprio also has a round face. As you can see, all these people are very famous in the entertainment industry. There is a feeling of joy and comfort when we look at their faces as they are naturally beautiful and handsome.

Do you know that having a round face shape means you have a deep desire to feel happy and fulfilled?

In Chinese face reading, people with round faces are friendly, easygoing, and sensitive. As the round shape is similar to a circle, which is the symbol of the Moon, they tend to be moody, dreamy, and imaginative.

1. Round Face Characteristics

The typical characteristics of rounded face people are as follows:

  • Circle-shaped face
  • Chubby, full cheeks
  • Wide hairline and nose
  • Small chin and jaw
  • The facial width is relatively the same as its length

Interestingly, people with round faces can easily transform their faces into oval-shaped faces in a matter of gaining or losing weight.

When you are in doubt if someone has a rounded face or not, look to see if they have small chins and full cheeks.

2. Personality Traits

The common personality traits of people with round faces are:

  • Friendly
  • Compassionate
  • Positive
  • Relaxing

Positive Traits

In Chinese face reading, people with round faces are creatures of comfort. They love to surround themselves with a comfortable environment and happy vibe.

Round-faced people are selfless individuals who will put others first. They usually have a look of innocence and childlike appearance which make them very approachable to others. People with rounded facial shapes tend to be friendly and sociable, so they usually have a lot of friends in their lives.

You won’t regret to choose a round-faced person as your best friend because they are very trustworthy, reliable, and sincere. In a relationship, they are normally the person who gives more than what they can receive.

It’s also pleasurable to look at the round face as this shape is most commonly seen in good cartoon characters.

People who possess round facial shapes are self-confident, nurturing, yet adaptable. Under the influence of the Moon, these people are also sensitive to other people’s feelings and needs. They can easily feel the hidden emotions that others try to hide.

If you have a round-shaped face, you are likely to be an influential person. The larger the features on your face, the more ambitious you are. Smaller features on a round face demonstrate an amiable and easygoing personality with less drive for success.

Negative Traits

As people with round faces are empathetic, they tend to give too much to others. So many times it happens that round-faced people sacrifice their own needs to serve others. Thus, they often blame life for not being fair while what they need to learn is “the wisdom of giving”.

There is also a forceful personality behind their friendliness.

Due to their desire for happiness, round-faced people are vulnerable to being narcissistic. They are indulgent within their own comfort zones and enjoy the finer things in life.

Round-faced people are also party people, for they can do anything for fun, doesn’t matter the consequences. Therefore, these people tend to be involved with extreme pleasurable activities, such as overdosing, overdrinking, and having too much sex.

3. Talents

People who have round faces tend to have these talents:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication skills
  • Empathy
  • Social skills

See all facial shapes here: Face Shapes in Chinese Face Reading


  1. Face Reading in Chinese Medicine – Lillian Bridges (My top 1 recommendation!)
  2. The Art and Science of Face Reading: Face Morphology in the Western Spiritual Tradition – Jennifer Lamonica
  3. Face Reading: Keys to Instant Character Analysis – Chi Kuei
  4. Read the Face: Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health – Eric Standop and Elisa Petrini
  5. The Face Reader: Discover Anyone’s Personality, Compatibility, Talents, and Challenges Through Face Reading – Patrician McCarthy
  6. Face Reading Plain & Simple: The Only Book You’ll Ever Need – Jonathan Dee

A Seeker Of Truth - A Student Of Life - A Master Of Self


  • Dionisio/Charon

    I am a round face personality… all that is indicated here is real to me. I’m fascinated to search the meaning of it as my fingernails are round too. I’m highly intuitive and yes, very moody as the moon characteristic, 😄 I’m friendly too, but love to be alone, I can perfectly manage handling that.

  • Hoang Anh Nguyen Ba

    Thank you for your lovely words! Round fingernails also have some similar meanings to a round face. They indicate that you are likely to be a fun-loving, cheerful, optimistic, and sensitive person. Another meaning is that you can be easily hurt as you are in touch with your feelings. Hope this help!